02. Event: April 2008 Archives

Undergraduate student, ICU

【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the ninth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

Ms. TakayamaOn October 5th, 2007, CGS and the ICU Placement Office co-hosted a seminar entitled “Why Suffer from Job Burnout? Tips for Your Future Career.” The speaker, Ms. Naoko Takayama, discussed the psychological pressures that people face in the workplace and offered advice from a counseler’s viewpoint on how to avoid these problems, based on case examples of her own clients. In order to make the topic accessible for students about to embark on their job hunting and other people interested in the possible problems of the workplace, she used detailed handouts and other interesting devices such as personal checklists to enable participants to identify their own individual issues.

Undergraduate student, ICU

【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the ninth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

Sumposion LeafletOn September 12th, 2007, Sumposion, an LGBIT student group at ICU, submitted a petition to the university, demanding a more LGBIT-friendly campus. The petition included proposals for reform ranging from raising the awareness of faculty members to upgrading facilities such as lavatories and locker rooms.

Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University

【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the ninth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

Guest Speakers at the public symposiumOn October 27th 2007, a General Assembly for the Establishment of the Japan Association for Queer Studies (JAQS) was held at Tokyo University’s Komaba Campus. Close to 300 people braved the terrible weather to attend the session, despite the approaching unseasonal typhoon.