Recently in 06. Thesis Category

Chico Masak
Undergraduate student, ICU
A Homosexual Asian Male Bitch From CA/NZ/JP

【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the 11th issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

At the World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents on November 24, 2008, an international agreement was reached that all participating countries would undertake to criminalize the possession of child pornography including cartoons (animation, comics, 3DCG, etc.). Many countries prohibit the production and sale of child pornography to protect children from the exploitation and violence considered inherent in non-consensual acts in which, given the adult-child power relation, children inevitably engage as soon as any adult is involved in their sexual activities. This agreement extends the watch on child pornography and makes illegal even the possession of child pornography in cartoon form. They argue that, regardless of whether real children are involved or not, child pornography affects the ways people view children and its prevalence can lead to overtly and excessively sexualized images of children. That is, not only do the children involved suffer physical and psychological harm through non-consensual acts, but also the representation of children in pornography, though indirectly, increases the harm inflicted on real children.

On the Inaugural Issue

CGS invites you all for submissions of research papers and field reports for the second issue of our journal scheduled for publication in March 2007. Please refer to the Guidelines for Contributors below. We look forward to your contribution to the next issue.

“Gender & Sexuality 01” can be downloaded as a PDF file into your computer from the link listed at the end of this article. Bound journal copies will be sent to universities, centers and other institutes at home and abroad.
Kazuko Tanaka, CGS Director

The ICU Center for Gender Studies (CGS) is proud to present the inaugural issue of its journal, Gender and Sexuality. The successful completion of this publication, in only the second year since CGS was established in April 2004, could not have been achieved without the continuing support and encouragement we received from many people. On behalf of the Center, I would like to thank all those who have supported CGS in its activities so far.

06. Thesis: Monthly Archives