October 2010 Archives

CGS will have 2010 autumn term Book Club at ERBI 301.
The discussion will be partly in Japanese, but texts are in English in two

<Monday 19:10ー(First session 9/20)>
Eve Sedgwick
『Epistemology of the Closet』Naomi Tonooka, Seidosha, 1999
The text used in the sessions is Japanese.
See the Japanese version of this page.
organizer: Maim Ebitani (Hitotsubashi Uni. graduate)

<Wednesday 19:10ー(First session 9/22)>
R.W. Connell
『Masculinities』University of California Press, 1995.
Masculinity Studies recently gain much attention in Humanities/Sociology
We will read R.W.Connell's 'Masculinities' which is said the most
important basic book.
The book is the theoretical and experimental study.
It argues about the "masculinity" which has been usually taken for granted
from the viewpoint of plurality and hierarchy.
The discussion could be mainly in Japanese, but the text is in English.
organizer: Ryo Kawaguchi (Hiotsubashi Uni. graduate)

<Friday 19:10ー(First session 9/24)>
Special Topics in the Critical Theory
We will read some texts of the critical theory related to Gender and
Sexuality Studies.
For example, Judith Butler, "Imitation and Gender Insubordination",
Robert McRer, "As Good As It Gets", Judith Halberstam, "Female
Masculinity", etc.
The texts are all in English.
The discussion will be in Japanese.
organizer: Shun Kogahara (ICU undergraduate), Hiroko Nakagawa (ICU under graduate)