02. Event: December 2012 Archives


Date: 16th February, 2013(Sat) 2:00p.m-5:00p.m. (Open 1:30 p.m.)
Place: International conference room, Dialogue House, International Christian University
Host: Center for Gender Studies, International Christian University (CGS@ICU)
Coordinator: Samantha LANDAU(ICU Graduate School / CGS Resarch Institute Assistant)
Fee: Free, No Appointment Necessary
Language: Japanese/English with Simultaneous Interpretation

This symposium will examine the influences that relationships between women have had and continue to have on/in literature. Considering both positive and negative trends across the boundaries of nationality and time will yield new perspectives on topics such as culture and society, gender inequality, writing/publishing and imagination. 

2:00p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Presentation
Hiroko UNO (Professor, Department of English, School of Letters, Kobe College)
Emily Dickinson and Helen Hunt Jackson

Ralph BARNABY (Associate Professor, Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
A Gilded Cage: Women's Literary Associations in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France and England

Samantha LANDAU (ICU Graduate School / CGS Resarch Institute Assistant)
The Desire for Sisterhood: Shirley Jackson's Heroines and the Complexity of Female Companionship

3:50p.m. -5:00p.m. Panel Discussion
Moderator: Natsumi IKOMA (Steering Member, Center for Gender Studies)


Center for Gender Studies Panel Discussion
Let's talk about Parenting on Campus #02

Date: 29th, January 2013(Tue) 1:50a.m.-3:00p.m.

Place: 203/204 Conference Room, Dialogue House, International Christian University

Coordinator: Natsumi IKOMA (Steering Member, Center for Gender Studies)

Fee: Free, No Appointment Necessary

Language: Japanese/English

Do you think universities have nothing to do with parenting? Our university, ICU, is supported by a number of people who have children such as students, lecturers, and staff. What kind of institutions and facilities are needed for parents to concentrate on their studies and work on campus and for their children to grow up healthy?
While we share our various experiences and ideas with each other, we will get closer to our goal of making this university a place in which both parents and children can learn and grow. We also welcome both parents and those who wish become parents while working in future! Let's enjoy tea and confections and have a chat about parenting.

* ICU Nursing Room is now accepting user applications.
More information is available at the CGS upon request.