01. From CGS: September 2012 Archives

Director, CGS; Professor, ICU

【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the fifteenth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

After the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011, I have been gradually convinced of the importance of addressing issues in the long term, as far ahead as the next century. More than one year has passed since the world's largest nuclear accident, but the situation is still far from seeing any return to normal. Fukushima people are still being kept in desperate uncertainty, even as they suffer from a sense of abandonment. A fundamental solution can only be found through our earnest search to shape a new society where everyone is treated with full dignity. To think ahead at least a century into the future is to visualize a world in which we ourselves will be absent. It is a commitment that would enable us to relativize firmly internalized social norms and presuppositions of thought. An innovative ability to "imagine the next century," then, could be a powerful means for us to address the gender/sexuality issues deeply embedded in our current social structure.

Office Manager, CGS
【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the fifteenth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

CGS office manager Yuji Kato discusses the upcoming R-Week Project in 2013 and the publication of the "The ICU Student Pocket Guide for LGBTs: Transgender/GID Issue." This student guide series was created by CGS in response to feedback received in 2011.

Natsumi IKOMA
Steering Committee Member, CGS; Senior Associate Professor, ICU
【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the fifteenth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

A nursing room has finally been set up on campus at ICU. This is one of the outcomes of a panel discussion titled,"Let's Talk About Parenting on Campus," held in the conference room of Dialogue House on January 31, 2012. CGS steering committee member Natsumi Ikoma reports on this event, which was attended by 30 students, staff, and faculty.

Office Manager, CGS
【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the fifteenth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

From the 2011 winter term, CGS started YoRAP, a system in which events would be organized by CGS Research Institute Assistants (RIAs). CGS office coordinator Yuji Kato explains how this new system came about and summarizes the six events that have been held so far (as of June 2012).

Steering Committee Member, CGS; Associate Professor, ICU
【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the fifteenth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

Kana Takamatsu joined the Faculty of International Relations at ICU as an associate professor in 2011. She is a pGSS instructor and a CGS Steering committee member. Here, she shares her observations and discoveries from teaching the subject "Gender and International Relations" over the past two years.

Mariko TOEI
Graduate, ICU (completed pGSS in 2008)

【The article below is the same as the article that appears in the fifteenth issue of the CGS Newsletter.】

Students interested in pGSS often ask us for the contact details of past graduates of the program. We asked Mariko Toei (ID08), a graduate who is now in corporate employment, for her thoughts on how pGSS relates to her current job.