Our third International Workshop will address issues of human security in the fields of sexuality and reproduction. The central theme is "'Body Knowledge' in Asia - Towards a Knowledge of One's Body".
In many Asian countries, 'body knowledge' according to Western natural science and medicine co-exists with indigenous skills and knowledge. What are the conflicts and fusions between them? And how does this complex relationship affect the lives of people of different genders and sexualities? We invite a variety of professionals - researchers, obstetric nurses, social workers, and teachers - from Japan and five other Asian countries. Learning about the similarities and differences in each country will enable us to discern key issues and discuss and possible solutions. Simultaneous interpretation will be available. We hope to help participants build co-operative networks both within and outside Japan.
International Workshop 2006
Co-hosted by the Center for Gender Studies at ICU and the 21st Century COE Program
"Human Security and Gender in Asia: Natural Science Perspectives--'Body Knowledge' and Gender in Asia"
Date: Friday, October 6 to 8, 2006
Place: International Christian University
Friday, October 6
10:00-10:10 Opening Ceremony
10:10-11:40 Keynote Lecture by Ms. Azumi Takushoku
"'Body Knowledge', Science, and Gender in Japan"
13:00-13:50 'Body Knowledge' and Performance:
Screening of Tari Ito's documentary film, Dear Tari
14:00-16:45 Reports from Asian Countries: 'Body Knowledge', Science, and Gender in Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and India
18:00-20:00 'Body Knowledge' and Performance:
Body Performance by Ms. Tari Ito, "What is there to fear?" and discussion session
Saturday, October 7
9:30-11:45 Workshop (I) Methods of Childbirth
13:00-15:15 Workshop (II): Sex Education and Childbirth education
15:30-17:45 Workshop (III): Medical Science, Pharmacology, and Gender
18:00-20:00 Reception
Sunday, October 8
10:00-11:45 Workshop (IV): Summing Up and Discussion
Prior Application is required for participation in the above sessions and/ or the reception
Participants from ICU are free to participate in the sessions on October 6.
Special thanks to our sponsors: the 21st Century COE Program, Gushinkai Foundation, UBCHEA, and Mitaka City