The 5th Sumire Café

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Sumire Café

Date & Time
February16th (Friday). 2018 18:00 - 20:30

Coming in the middle or leaving early are both OK.

No entrance fee; no reservation necessary (but we accept donations towards tea and snacks!).

Center for Gender Studies(CGS) ERB-I 301

Violets (sumire in Japanese), in the language of flowers, mean sincerity and everyday happiness. Are you being sincere with yourself? If you have a partner, are you treating each other with respect? If you don't have a partner but still want to talk about relationships, or perhaps there is something on your mind about relationships with friends, family, or anyone close to you, please join us. Would you come to Sumire Café and talk about non-violent relationships, dating and love with us? We will be waiting for you with some purple snacks prepared!

Sumire Café Facilitators
Matsuda(Sumire student volunteer), Juliana, Hanyu (RIA-CGS)