Symposium "Overcoming Past Issues" and Gender and Sexuality Studies

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CGS Symposium
"Overcoming Past Issues" and Gender and Sexuality Studies.

Date & Time
Nov. 12th (Saturday) , From 13:00 until 17:00


the International Conference Room, Dialogue House(2F)

Leaving and leaving in the middle are both OK.
No reservation required, no admission fee.

Japanese. No translation

Guest Speakers
Nagabara Yoko, Iwamoto Hiroko and Ishii Kae.

Are the violation of human rights that come with colonialism and slavery, war and fascism a thing of the "past"? We want to create a space to discuss problems that persist today, and the danger of repeating these issues from a gender and sexuality perspective.
We will analyze historical traumas that vary depending on the region and period, and "colonial responsibility" in contemporary movements in previous colonies.