The event was finished.
The booklet distributed: profiles of presenters and abstracts (PDF file, 1.4MB)
Asian Gender Dialogues: Education on Gender and Sexuality in Asia
-CGS International Workshop to Celebrate the Opening of Dialogue House-
1) To overview both diverse and common situations (including challenges) that education on gender and sexuality in Asia are facing with today.
2) To explore rich meanings and potentials of "education"/"teaching".
3) To critically explore both effectiveness and limitations of the category "Asia" in discussing education on gender and sexuality.
November 20 (Sat), 21 (Sun), 22 (Mon), 2010
International conference room, Dialogue House, International Christian University
Center for Gender Studies, International Christian University (CGS@ICU)
November 20, Sat
1-1. Prologue [10:00-12:00]
Keynote Speech: TANAKA, Kazuko (International Christian University)
1-2. Dialogues on Religion and Gender & Sexuality Education [1:30-4:15]
Individual Reports & Discussions (Panel and Open-floor)
-Thailand: SATHA-ANAND, Suwanna (Chulalongkorn Univ.)
-Malaysia: SHUIB, Rashidah (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
-Japan: KINUKAWA, Hisako (Center for Feminist Theology and Ministry in Japan)
Reception [6:00-]
Ryukyu Music & Dance (Mini-lecture: Matthew Gillan, ICU)
November 21, Sun
2-1. Dialogues on Grass-roots Movements and Gender & Sexuality Education [9:30-12:15]
Individual Reports & Discussions (Panel and Open-floor)
-Indonesia: POERWANDARI, Kristi (University of Indonesia)
-Vietnam: KHUAT, Thu Hong(Institute for Social Development Studies)
-Japan: MIYAJIMA, Kensuke (Kanagawa Rainbow Center SHIP)
2-2. Dialogues on Gender & Sexuality Education at University [1:45-4:30]
Individual Reports & Discussions (Panel and Open-floor)
-Philippines: BATANGAN, Maria Theresa Datu Ujano (U.of Philippines)
-Korea: KWAK, Samgeun (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
-Japan: TANAHASHI, Satoshi (Ochanomizu Univeristy)
November 22, Mon
3-1. Epilogue: Concluding Discussions [10:00-11:45]
Participation fees: free
Directions to ICU
Campus Map
※Workshop will be held at No,17.
※CGS is in No,5.