CGS Reading Group Autumn Term 2017

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CGS Reading Group
Autumn Term 2017
Thinking about and/or from Asexuality

Every term the Center for Gender Studies (CGS) at ICU hosts student-led reading groups in which we read together a book closely. Certain books may be difficult to read by ourselves, but when we read together it's better. We can ask each other when we don't understand, and we can continue enjoying our reading together!

"An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction" (AVEN). In this reading group we will learn about asexuality while thinking about the politics of difference through a variety of materials, including websites and academic articles. We welcome anyone who is interested regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity!

Please look at the following URL site for details about the reading list:

Coordinator: HANYU Yuki (Doctoral Candidate, University of Tokyo/Research Institute Assistant, CGS)

Hosting dates: Thursdays at Lunch Time (12:40-13:50)
Starting from September 21st (Thursday)
Location: Center for Gender Studies, International Christian University ERB-1- 301