Research papers
Gender and modernization in Japan: An analysis of Tayama Katai's The Quilt
Natsumi IKOMA
Research notes
The changeability of widowhood: A study of widows in Tamil Nadu, India
Book review
Rose, Tricia. Black noise: Rap music and black culture in contemporary America.
Shingo HORI
CGS Events reports
Report: One-day lecture series Re-visiting "Japan" and HIV/AIDS: Japan in Asia, Asia in Japan
Report: Talk session Let's Talk about parenting on campus
Report: The eighth-tenth meetings of the Tama Gender Education Net
Author Profiles
Regular Members of the Center for Gender Studies
Journal Regulations for Vol. 07
Postscript from the Editor
Please check past issues from the link listed below.
"Gender and Sexuality 06"
"Gender and Sexuality 05"
"Gender and Sexuality 04"
"Gender and Sexuality 03"
"Gender and Sexuality 02"
"Gender and Sexuality 01"