YoRAP 2015 研究成果発表会
YoRAP 2015 Research Presentation
Idealization of Mother: Case Studies in Japanese Literature
Time and Date:
February 14th, 2015 (Sat), 13:00-16:00
ICU Alumni House, 2nd Floor Lounge
English (No Simultaneous Interpretation)
Participation Fee:
Free, No Reservation Necessary
Natsumi IKOMA (Senior Associate Professor, ICU / Director, CGS)
"To Miss the Missing Mother: Absence of Real Mothers in Japanese Literature by Male Authors"
Juliana BURITICA ALZATE (Doctoral Candidate, ICU)
"Nearer to or Farther from the Idealized Mother: Portrayals of Motherhood by Japanese Women Writers"
Lindsay R. MORRISON (Doctoral Candidate, ICU / Research Institute Assistant, CGS)
"In Search of What Is Real: the Role of Nature in Japanese Literature on the Mother and Home"
Event Details:
This panel will examine representations of motherhood in Japanese literary works from the modern period to contemporary times. In doing so, the panel will primarily explore how the male gaze idealizes motherhood in its memory or absence, and how the female gaze instead resists and subverts this ideal. The shared premise underlying the presentations is that the idealized representation of motherhood needs to be revised from critical and gender perspectives.